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And the job search continues..Phase 1

Since quitting Starbucks because of an unhealthy work environment, I have been job searching like crazy. Any gigs I can get: house cleaning, organizing (because I can color code like a pro), and writing. I might have a full time position babysitting, which should be lots of fun (not) but its worth the money. Craigslist is full of adds I can’t believe how much I use it! So today’s blog post will be in the spirits of those looking for jobs, how to write a kick ass resume!

If you haven’t noticed, everyone needs a resume. Also, many word processors have a template for resumes too! Today, I’m going to show you pages, and what to put in your resume to seem like a good candidate.

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So here we have the template of a resume (in another language, how helpful lmao). First is always your main information. Name, contact phone, email, and address. If you want to opt out of the full address thats totally fine. However, I recommend putting your zip code on there so businesses know where you live and what kind of drive you’re looking at to get to work. Next we start with the profile.

When writing a profile for a resume, just include things about yourself that you think is worth knowing! For example, mine says a short blurb about me.

“I am diligent, a hard worker, a very quick learner, and am very inspired. I have artistic skills, organization skills, and a high, happy spirit.”

Noting your personality is always a plus. That way, your employers know what they’re getting into. Next we move into experience. This is where you list all of your previous and current jobs on the page. It doesn’t have to be extensive, but it helps to provide what you did there, what you learned, and how you improved the working experience of others while being there. Then you move onto Education, which is simple. Just add the date and place of your education, and whether you earned a degree or not.

Skills are next. This can be tricky for some people. I have had people tell me they felt like they were bragging about themselves, but thats totally fine! Mine looks like this:

“I have multitudes of skills from working, education, and community service I have done throughout my early years. I am well organized, energized, and passionate about my work. I have experience with Mac and PC products as well as their designated word processors. I also have experience with Excel and other POS systems. I am a quick learner when it comes to technology. I also have experience with public speaking and student government. Problem solving, time management, and handling crisis situations are all part of my skill set as well.”

The last sentence is the kicker for employers. This provides them information that they need to hire you! Employers look for problem solvers, motivation, and time management wherever you’re applying. Having this in your resume will help you in the long run with any job you apply for! Finally, fill in your references. These can be anyone that can vouch for your personality and work ethic. Maybe a past teacher or boss you are close with, or a family friend. I have two bosses and a family friend on mine. Make sure you contact them first before putting their number or email address down so they know they might get a call!

Writing a resume is super easy. If you have done lots of community service, make a section for it and write it down! It really is all about bragging about yourself and your accomplishments. I write down everything that I do that I am proud of in a journal so when I touch up my resume, I can remember what I’ve done in the past! It helps bunches. I hope this helps you guys that are in the process of writing a resume!


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